BBC Teach: The Gunpowder Plot

We enjoyed developing this bespoke IP as a new educational format for BBC Teach. We follow the adventures of Maureen, an animated rat, whose family have witnessed the deepest, darkest and downright filthiest chapters in history.

Unlocking learning

Throughout this series, we’re invited to hear all about The Gunpowder Plot through the tales of a rat. Our friendly presenter is an animated rat, Maureen. In each episode, Maureen recounts the stories passed on through her family, from generation to generation.

Her ancestors are all-seeing, all-hearing and have all-areas-access to the dirtiest, darkest corners of history. In this series, we’ll discover the events and conditions that led to The Gunpowder Plot, what happened when the plotters tried to execute their plans – and the consequences of their actions, right through to modern day bonfire night celebrations.

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IP development


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