Norway Oil Museum
An interactive, explorative, immersive experience - projected inside an oil drum with motion-triggered learning and three role-play, interactive game experiences.

About this experience
Norwegian Petroleum Museum in Stavanger shows how offshore operations have become Norway’s most important industry, and gives you experiences of this activity. How oil and gas are formed, how resources beneath the seabed are found, and how drilling and production are conducted.
We worked with exhibition designers Six Sides, Norsk Oljemuseum and their network of experts to shape a projection mapped, immersive film, with interactive learning triggered by visitor movement around the space. Supporting the film, we developed three touchscreen mini-games, designed to help visitors understand the complex world of subsea technology with authentic, hands-on challenges.
This eight and a half minute interactive experience is projected onto 10 sides of the gallery space. The project was developed and delivered with SixSides for The Oil Museum, Stavanger.